Corner cases for binary trees
When doing LeetCode problems, some corner cases should be considered when traversing through the tree, otherwise unexpected errors shall appear. Examples:Symmetric TreeSame Tree The following code tak
When doing LeetCode problems, some corner cases should be considered when traversing through the tree, otherwise unexpected errors shall appear. Examples:Symmetric TreeSame Tree The following code tak
Let’s think about this problem: Sum Root to Leaf Numbers. A general solution is like below:123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233public int sumNumbers(TreeNode root) { if (
Imagine we need to compress a string “1111422311” into “4114221321”, which means “four ones, one four, two twos, one three, two ones”. Here is the implementation for this functionality:123456789101112
Breadth-First Traversal can be used in many places, such as traversing level-by-level in a binary tree, or BFS in a graph. All those are implemented with a Queue.Binary Tree Level Order TraversalBinar
Some problem are using this template with minor alternation, such as:Quick SortPartition ArraySort Letters by CaseSort Colors 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435public int pa